Hello, All!
Well, the end is officially near.
At my appointment Tuesday I was dilated 3 cm and was told by the nurse practicioner that she was 80% sure I'd have the baby within the week. Well, here it is Saturday and uhhhh...Avery shows no signs of leaving his tight, cramped quarters. At least I am officially full term now, so if he DID decide to evict himself, all would be good. HOWEVER...my doctor is in Mexico, so I'd prefer if he waited till she lands safely on Dayton, Ohio soil.
Unfortunately, I had elevated blood pressure at my appointment and put on modified bed rest.
I know I would have HATED bedrest if it were any earlier in my pregnancy. But being uncomfortable and tired all the time, it's kind of nice being ordered to rest. Danny has been an angel. So far today he did 5 loads of laundry, all the sheets, ironed the guest sheets (even though he thinks I'm weird), got groceries, and worked on the basement. AND last week he helped me clean the whole house, EVEN toilets.
Danny's mom was amazing and came to spend Thanksgiving with us. She went all out, spoiled us rotten, let me lay around and did all the cooking. I was slightly bummed about not being in Fredericktown for Thanksgiving this year (and we won't be going for Christmas). It felt like a real holiday because she was here.
She went with us to my ultrasound Friday and got to see her first grandchild on the screen. She loved it, and I was excited to share that with her. Oh, and we got another weight. 7 pounds 10 ounces, still gaining weight happily in the 90th percentile.
So, here we are, only two weeks away from induction! I would honestly LOVE to go into natural labor without being induced. Who knows, maybe I'll get my wish?
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