Monday, June 28, 2010

I am an alien on a new planet

Entering into the world of pregnancy/children is a foreign land.

I've been not-pregnant for 28 years of my life, and married for 4 of those years. Our life happily consisted of hubby, me and our Pug, Lola. We knew we were "ready" and beginning to talk about "starting a family."

For the first 2 years I shuddered at the thought of having a child. I wasn't ready AT ALL and could not see giving up my life, money, time, sanity for a CHILD. Around 3 years of marriage the idea didn't turn me off completely. Then one day IT hit.

My clock was ticking. It was a bomb.

All of the sudden, a BABY was all I wanted. However, I was still practical (aka boring.)

We went into Baby mode. We discussed finances. We did a complete financial overhaul. I knew I wanted to be a SAHM working very few part time hours. I got healthy. I went off the pill. Finally, it was time to try. Or as baby websites all call it TTC (trying to conceive.)

TTC lasted approximately 10 minutes.

We didn't know it then, but we were one of the few lucky ones that got pregnant the first try. No, not the first month of trying. THE FIRST TRY. Danny has been coined "The One Hit Wonder."

So fast forward to today where I am 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant.

And still, pregancy and children are a foreign land.

One of my friends has a stack of parenting magazine five miles high said "read these if you get bored!" So , I did. The first article I come across is discussing strollers. Did you know there are approximately 87465132 different types of strollers?

And that's just a STROLLER!

But, I am taking it all in stride.

I may not know what the best stroller is. I may not know what I'm in for when I go into labor. I may not know if I'm having a boy or a girl. I may not know a thing about what it's like to get zero sleep or whether to breast feed or use formula.

But I do know I'm ready to be a mom. I am SO ready to meet my baby. Pregnancy has been a constant joy, a beautiful experience between my husband and me. And if I have enough love for my baby, who cares about a stroller?


  1. Yes, you are lucky! I'm so excited for you and I think you, Danny and Lola will do great!

    This is a great idea to start a blog I will probably do the same when that time arrives! :D

  2. Great blog! :) I wish I had posted while I was pregnant too. I really need to update my blog right now as well! :(

    We also were one of the lucky ones to get pregnant the first try! :) Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! I can't wait for my next one!

  3. I'm so happy for you LeeAnne, thanks for sharing. Having people to talk to does a world of wonders! I wasn't ready for children, or was I trying to get pregnant. It just happened and it changed me, my life, for the better. Congrats!! Miss you!
